Best Apps for Self-Care

While the kids are safely on your Springfree Trampoline in the backyard, take a break. Indulge in a little self-care with some stress relief apps.

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Best Apps for Self-Care

Hands up if you are over keeping the kids entertained while being confined to home activities only? Keep your hands up if you just need a '"time out."  

There's no denying you cherish the time spent with your loved ones, but staying home has its challenges. Without knowing when we’re going to return to ‘normal life,’ we need to ensure we don’t burn out. 

While the kids are having some tv time or safely playing on their Springfree Trampoline in the backyard, remember to take a break. The dishes, laundry and other chores can wait, as you indulge in a little self-care. 

Download one or all of these apps to help spark some downtime ideas. 

1. Headspace 

Headspace guides meditation beginners through mindfulness techniques to help you achieve balance in this very unbalanced world.

The best thing is you don’t need to block out a lot of time. When you need to pause and center yourself, 2-3 minute meditations are available. Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. Get out into the fresh air and meditate on your Springfree. 

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2. Shine

Shine allows you to prioritize mental health by helping set personal growth goals, sending daily motivational texts, and providing "Shine Talks" on everything from stress and anxiety to self-love and burnout. It's like having your best friend in your pocket 24/7 reminding you to keep going. Shine helps you make a habit out of caring for your mental and emotional health.

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3. Goodreads 

Goodreads connects millions of readers for free. Find the time to sit down with an amazing book and get the kids their own book as well. Find out who else is reading the same book, ask each other questions or discuss the crazy plot twist. There are also plenty of virtual book clubs to join. Grab a good book, head to your backyard, find the coziest spot and enjoy a good read. It might just be the escape you need. 

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4. Colorfy

Your very own digital coloring book! Instead of binge watching that Netflix series again, crawl under the covers and open up the Colorfy app. It's super relaxing and the only thing you'll be worrying about is staying inside the lines. Once you're done, save it and print it out to add some new wall art to your room. Again, it could be a great resource for the kids as well – they’ll love the new way of coloring and hopefully they’ll chill out a little after bouncing around all day.

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5. The Five-Minute Journal 

This app is what it sounds like. Start taking five minutes out of your day to reflect and focus on the positive. It includes a timeline view to access all of your previous journal entries, daily inspiring quotes, and a one-photo-per-day tool to capture the feel-good moments, like backyard sunsets and picnics! 

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Other apps we recommend checking out include Calm, which helps people relax when dealing with stressful situations. 

Happify promises to boost your mood, improve self-confidence and combat stress through a series of cognitive exercises and games developed by leading scientists and experts.

Sanvello (formerly Pacifica), which based on cognitive behavioral therapy, you rate and track your mood over time. You’ll record your thoughts in order to identify thinking patterns to discover and track possible triggers. 

Although nothing is better than a big hug from a loved one, we are lucky to have such amazing technology at our fingertips. It can provide us the ability to have a 5-minute self-care break, connect with family and friends who we can’t visit right now and entertain the kids in so many fun and educational ways.

If you want to unplug completely, your Springfree Trampoline does wonders for letting out stress and anxiety as well.

So, if all you have is 5 minutes of downtime and the idea of being on your phone isn’t too appealing…head out to the backyard and go for a jump! Your body and mind will thank you for it – plus it might motivate the kids to get outside and be active too.

Stay and play safe at home!

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